Tijeras New Mexico – just east of Albuquerque

After leaving Holbrook Arizona, we stayed in Hidden Valley RV resort a couple of nights so we could visit the Albuquerque area. The drive was pretty windy in a couple of areas along the way, but it was nice to see some different terrain.
The park was an older Coast to Coast/RPI park, that needs some maintenance. The sites were long, but very close together – no room to BBQ or sit outside without moving the truck out of the way, which was parked in front of us. The pool was closed and you can see they are working on it. The park does have a laundry room. Now we didn’t stick around during the day, and as Coast to Coast members, the price was right, so I can’t complain. We had 50amp hookup, and the park is quiet. It is located in the Sandia Mountain Range in Tijeras, New Mexico located right off I-40 and historic route 66.

The park is near the Turquoise Trail and we took that route into Santa Fe – more on this trip, click here. The trail was named for the ancient turquoise mines dotting the adjoining hills.
We also visited Santa Fe Plaza, and Palace of the Governors, more information here.
We crammed a lot into one day also visiting Historic Old Town – where Albuquerque began in 1766. Unfortunately being a Monday it seemed like most restaurants were closed, and some shops.
This park is a good place to stay to visit these places.
A few slides on our trip